We all need this reminder that comparing ourselves will only hurt us in the end, because the way we see others is usually not how their life truly is. We don’t see the struggle, we only see the finished product. Read Chad’s blog and give him a follow!

Blog With Chad

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“If comparison is the thief of joy, then our culture is being robbed blind.” – John Foreman.

From an outside perspective, my life looks pretty amazing. If you follow me on social media, you’ll see a lot of posts from me. Posts that paint a really pretty picture.

  • You’ll see pictures of me on stage with my of Anthem Lights brothers, in front of thousands of people..

  • You’ll see updates about recording music in amazing looking studios..

  • You’ll see countless photos of my gorgeous wife in exotic locations..

You get where I’m going here, don’t you?

My socials represent my “final product”. The best of who I am. The best of my marriage. The best moments of my life. You’re going to see nothing but smiles. See us standing in stunning locations. Being playful and witty with each other. Things that do nothing but say, “look how good we have it”.


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